2/10/2025 – New price changes are in effect. Due to rising material costs and time/labor requirements for certain projects, our lowest tier quantities on our products have been adjusted accordingly. We have been able to stave off rising costs and absorbed them where we could since the end of 2019. For larger quantities, we have been able to lower costs on some specialty items as well. If you need help re-planning or re-strategizing your order, please email us at [email protected] to see how we can help!

Since 2014, ArtistExpress has helped to take care of the comic book industry by providing printing services for artists of all levels, from beginners to professionals! We provide a wide variety of printing options, including Comic Books, Trade Paperbacks, Posters, Holofoils, Spot Foils, Trading Cards and many other collectibles! Check out our product offering and see where we can fit in to your needs!

Quality and Collectibility

ArtistExpress specializes in limited edition book and print runs, and creating collectible items that garner a high return on investment! With sequential numbering, large choice of paper stocks and our commitment to quality and quick turnaround time, we can help you make money selling comics!

Our books come straight off of our presses, right into packaging, and delivered to you in a persistent batch of 9.8 grade print and bindery work! We produce, print, layout, package and ship like no other in the industry!

ArtistExpress Produces the Finest Products For The Comic Book and Art Industry!